Sunday, January 8, 2012

Working on a Saturday (booo, hiss)

I can't really complain. I only work 1 Saturday in 9 (well 1 in 7 at the moment as we are short staffed), its not too bad, usually really quiet so I get a lot of of paperwork done (I'm a supervisor in an office by the way). I'm not the type of person that plays the 'I'm 7 months pregnant' card 'therefore I can't do that'. I do get certain benefits like if I have a antenatal appointment I work from home so I don't have to lug around my laptop everywhere so that's a bonus - anyway I digress.

I was up showered and at work by 8am, quite impressive for me as I work 9-5 in the week. I was queen of the paperwork and phones all day today and baby was having a acrobat day - didn't stop twisting, turning and kicking all day - its a comforting feeling really. Hubby was at home potty training Oliver and at one point we thought he'd cracked it as we got a poo in the potty - turned out to be a fluke though!

Come 3:30 my working day was done - wait, lets rewind a minute. I wasn't actually meant to be in work but a colleague called in sick the day before and that always brings up the possibility of will they come to work on the Saturday if they are off the day before? Unlikely so I decided to swap my shift with his and as I am off on maternity at the end of Feb it means that its my last Saturday of 2012, woooo hooooo. I even have a calendar by my desk and I am crossing out the days as it goes by - 9 full months off work, bliss, except I know what hard work is to come - sticky nappies, sore nipples and not to mention a sore 'you know what' for a couple of weeks after the birth! Lets not even go there with the pain of the childbirth itself - to be honest I'm surprised women do it more than once, do we not learn the first time? Apparently not.

Got home and it looked like a toy factory had exploded in the living room, this is not a put down of the other half as I know what hard work it is to look after a toddler, its just an observation. So the first thing I did was make a game out of putting his toys away - kids are a bit daft that way and fall for it most of the time! Anyway after that we settled down for some dinner, a home made turkey curry lovingly made by the man of the house, packed Oliver off to bed at seven and we snuggled up and watched some How I Met Your Mother - love that show.

Lets see what today brings as Oliver has already weed on my 6 month old sofa and hubby is making some DIY noises upstairs and I mean the actual building things type of DIY and not what you thought ;-)

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