Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day of Rest

Not the religious kind - the kind where I had such a pants night sleep that the reason for not going into work had nothing to do with unpleasant bodily functions it was pure exhaustion.

Well what did I do?  Not much!  I got out of bed at 8:30am and decided to just relax. So I started by writing out my blog from the day I missed, I then moved on to a bit of TV - I watched 2 eps of Celeb BB (yes thats right and I love it!) followed by a bit of Judge Judy, followed by One Born Every Minute then Pirates of the Caribbean (strangers tides). Would you believe that in that time I also showered and dried my hair, emptied out my wardrobe of a whole bin bag of clothes (to be taken to the charity shop), washed the bedding and emptied the dishwasher. Still no appetite though so I cooked then threw away some mushroom soup then had some crackers with butter on them later.

Potty training - we've given up, well Oliver has. Its been 2 weeks now with little/no progress so us (Mike and I) along with the nursery have decided to give him a month or so and try again - I don't want to push him but what's so annoying is that he is a smart lad but he just has no interest in this at all.

Not looking forward to tomorrow - not because I am back at work but because its my bosses last day, not by choice but that's a story for another day.

Right I'm off to watch Biggest Loser UK, naff compared to the US version but hey I watch that too :-)

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