Sunday, January 22, 2012

Had a lie in

So nice that I didn't get up until 9am this morning. Mike got up at stupid o'clock (6ish) and then when Oliver woke at 7:30 he got him up and ready. I didn't wake until 9 so must have needed the sleep. I played with Oliver until about 12 while hubby boarded the bathroom then I watched that BBC's Call the Midwife.

Scary stuff! Enemas, no pain relief, unsanitary conditions but hey, thats the 50's for you. It was very real and the thought of going through that myself is terrifying. I guess I'm just lucky to be giving birth in the modern world. I've been thinking a lot about the labour recently and I go from absolute fear to absolute calm. I ask people about their experience of second births, most say it is less difficult as you know what to expect so you don't panic however it can be quicker so even though you are in pain for less time it can be more painful. I just want to try and make sure I use the gas and air this time and the pool (as long as I'm not induced), I just want to be more calm and use less profanity!

Anyway - back to my day, we went to Uncle Marks and Auntie Laines in the afternoon and Laine dyed my hair back brown, its darker than I would have liked (my fault as I got the dye) but it'll fade over time so I'm hoping it'll fade to the colour of my roots over time as the reason I dyed it back brown so I didn't need to worry about over the next few mins while I have a baby to look after.

We went to ASDA after visiting the family and came upon a massive bargain! £25 for a car seat suitable from birth to 7/8 years brilliant. We also got some nappies, baby vests and an all in one warm fluffy body suit/coat for when we take baby out and from the hospital. Looks like everything is finally coming together. Found a Amazon shop that does the Thomas the Tank Engine Toddler bed for £99 and £155 to include mattress and bedding so thats Oliver pretty much sorted.

Mike and I finally played Friends Scene It, he won so I think a re-match is in order. Pizza was had and an episode of Charmed as well as quite a few largers had by Mike we had an early night and went to bed at 9:30 however I read for ages so didn't go to sleep until about 11pm, here's hoping for a Sunday lie in too!

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