Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quiet Day

Dad came around today with his wife and had a cup of tea which was nice. He brought with him about 20 brochures on all the caravans sites he has sent off for leaflets of over the last week. We're going away in June for a week (that'll be fun, a small caravan, 2 adults, a toddler and a 3 month old! To be honest it'll be fine, we've had the caravan for 2 years now and have used it at least 10 times and its been really nice to get away. The only problem is that its now got damp (old caravan) which is caravan cancer so it'll probably only last another season (thats even if its lasted the winter which is yet to be determined!).

We never go very far in the Caravan - most of the time just half hour down the road but we have took it to Blackpool and as Oliver was quite young up until this year I was reluctant to take him abroad and with another little one coming then it'll be at least another couple of years before I feel comfortable leaving the country. I would like to hope that the caravan lasts another 2 years then that'd be perfect but thats unlikely and its not worth the cost to fix!

Once my dad had gone I decided that I was finally going to tackle our bedroom, it had been used as a dumping ground for way too long now! I literally filled an entire bin bag with junk and a tiny tiny carrier bag with stuff I actually want to keep, its so nice to come into the bedroom and actually be happy with what I see. Still needs decorating and a new carpet, at least it looks nice-ish for now though.

Mike, Oliver and I took a walk in the afternoon to the shop which was nice, but cold. Oliver was a very good boy and because of that he got a treat which was a little car, he likes cars and thats better than chocolate and about the same cost, 69p!

We were a bit naughty that night and after we had been naughty (hehe) hubby got us a takeaway, its a day early but oh well!

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