Friday, January 20, 2012


I really had to impress today and show what I could do.

Really bad morning got even worse and turned into a bad afternoon, evening and night! It'll all started around 06:30. I got up, showered, brushed my teeth, etc... as usual. Hubby makes us a cup of tea and Oliver some toast and juice then goes to get him up. He opened the door as usual and proceeded to get his toothbrush ready. Well I think Oliver went from Oliverbear to Olivergrizzlybear overnight. Everything we asked him to do he wanted to do the opposite, he wouldn't let us brush his teeth so Mike had to hold him while I did it. He then wouldn't get dressed or let us change his nappy, we obviously didn't give him a choice but its horrible to hear him scream his head off all morning. He went in time out at least 3 times in half and hour and this is all before we left to take him to nursery.

Fast forward and we get to 08:30, I walked into the office, got to my bank of desks and looked up. "Where is everyone?" I asked John (who is a temp by the way therefore not fully trained), "I'm here" was his response. Apparently the two that were due in from 8 had both called in poorly-sick. Luckily John is a smart, decent bloke and he got on with things best he could as well as taking some telephone calls from some difficult customers, which he had never done before.

Now having two people off in an office you would think is not so bad but what would you think if I tell you we are a specialist team of 9 (as in no one in our Very Large company can do our job), we currently have 3 vacancies therefore this brings us down to a team of 6. 2 off sick and 1 on hols mean OMG we are now a team of 3 (plus a temp = 4). Lets just say this day was the busiest day ever and I was glad when it was over.

We collected Oliver from the nursery and he was still a complete grump. Again he just wanted to opposite of everything and this went on until bed time. He is usually really good at bed time but he just screamed for about an hour in bed before finally falling asleep (probably with exhaustion). I hope its not the start of a trend. I don't think he is poorly so may be just having a bad day - lets just hope he wakes up on the right side of the bed tomorrow.

We're having Oliver's carpet delivered on Saturday as well as having some Vinyl laid in the bathroom so Mike had to remove the current floor tiles. While he did this I started to make a chilli for tea.  Mike shouts down after about half an hour to say them tiles are not coming up any time soon therefore he needs to take up the boarding that is attached to the floor boards and re-board the whole bathroom. Unlikely he'll get that done before Saturday so I'm going to have to call the carpet people tomorrow and tell them not to come until the afternoon.

Had dinner, watched Biggest Loser US and went to bed quick before something else happened!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl,,,,I have been there (a long time ago :-),,,,some days are better than others,,,all the best for the next and onward
