Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Due date come and gone!

Well here I am at 40+1 still no sign of baby yet but I think he is better off where he is for now.

I know I keep banging on about it but we are now on day 12 of my cold. I have gone through the whole range of symptoms with the worst being over the weekend when I couldn't breath out of either nostril and if I lied down my throat closed up! I then went onto weepy eyes and coughing fits, which I am still having and it sounds as though I am a dog barking! This has been nearly 3 days now and just when I think it is subsiding I wake up at 3:30 am this morning with such a bad one that I actually have to get up so I've been up since 4am. Not only that but I have now lost about 50% hearing in my left ear, Google tells me that I am either going to die (never Google anything!) or that as my ears, nose, eyes and throat are all connected its likely that my ear is just blocked the way my nose is and should all be fine once cold is over - I think I'll go with that explanation for now. Just need a sore throat now and I'd have had the lot.  I think the sleep deprivation from this is worse than breastfeeding a baby every 2 hours.

So thats me at the moment. Sat indoors feeling sorry for myself,getting bugger all done, really wanting baby to come but at the same time wishing for a good 8 hours sleep before he does arrive.

Who knows may be next time I blog I'll have some pics of our new little boy to share.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I'm just popping by via Mike's blog to say hello, congratulations on the baby and good luck with the birth! :)
