Saturday, February 18, 2012

So frustrating

Firstly I'd like to say hello to my first follower Lorna, Mike doesn't count as he is the hubby :-)

I said I wasn't going to hold my breath but apparently for once I was being listened to. Went in on Monday and I  was more or less in a meeting all day with my boss with the first part discussing my working day. It has been agreed that I am going to be working from home for most of the time now (yay). Looking at my rota now I only have to work for 4 more days actually in the office and I did one of those yesterday so 3 to go! I do have to go in briefly on one afternoon to do an exit interview for one of the staff but thats no big hassle.  On one of the days I am interviewing all day and another I am doing my staffs opening yearly reviews so not much time will be spent actually at my desk which suits me down to the ground.

Want to know some major TMI? My lady bits are causing me some jip, according to my off and on best mate (Google) its perfectly normal during pregnancy but I do feel like someone has booted me in the crotch, laughed, walked off and left me to deal with the aftermath. When I get up/walk I feel like the inside is all bruised, as I said I am sure its normal and I can't say that I am concerned, I have the MW on Monday so I'll mention it to her then.

This part is the reason for the title. All week in the morning Oliver has been requesting big boy pants so we thought, awesome he is ready to try potty training again, hmmmm. So the weekend comes and the first thing I did this morning was put him in big boy pants and I had a little chat with him about the potty which he seemed to understand (he's 2 years 7 months). Whats the first thing he does once we get downstairs? Wet himself, what does he do 10 mins later? Wet himself! For 456! I talked to him about it (calmly) and he says he doesn't want to use the potty, make your mind up dude! Helllllpppppp!

Baby news - I only have 24 days left, I go from excited to freaking out completely, about everything!. As far as I am aware baby is still head down but Midwife, I'm sure, will tell me on Monday, baby is still having some kind of disco party in there, which apart from a couple of painful manoeuvres I actually love the feeling.  My new fear is that the baby will get stuck! I know I am having a small one like with Oliver (who was 6lb 9oz) however the woman on One Born Every Minute the other day only had a 10 pounder and it got stuck, it was touch and go for a couple of minutes and they had to butcher the poor girl to get the baby out!  I am still really hoping that all I need is the pool and gas and air but if I really need it I'll have the epidural - eek!

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