Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I think the time has come

For me to leave work.

Went to Midwife on Monday who was a bit of a dingbat to be honest. It had snowed very heavily over the weekend so after walking nearly an hour in the snow dropping off my son at nursery then going to the clinic you'd expect my blood pressure to be slightly raised and it was. She said it was on the high side but not to the point where she would worry but said she would check it again before I left.

So I go on to tell her I had a speck of blood on a tissue (tmi) on Saturday which I was 99% sure came from my urethra but as I am rhesus negative I have to be safe so she took some bloods to check if I need the Anti-D injection. Anyway she said she wasn't from round here and wasn't exactly sure which blood bottles to use but had taken an educated guess! She took my blood and listened to baby (forgot to measure baby, so I reminded her!) and I left, blood pressure not taken.

No call received by 4pm with my blood results so I called her, she called the blood banks and it turned out they couldn't test my blood as she labelled the blood wrong and as the next day was 72 hours since the bleed I had to go into hospital to have them re-taken.  Luckily I was only in hospital for about 2 hours and they couldn't get the blood back that night so gave me the Anti-D anyway and told me to call the next day for the results.

I called for the results the next day and guess what? They've lost my blood! Was told doesn't matter anyway as I've had the Anti-D now!

Had to work from home Tuesday as Oliver had a pretty bad cold and hubby couldn't do it as he was at a conference. He took today off to stay at home with him.

When I woke this morning I just got a silly worry that my BP wasn't taken, I also had a stiff neck which you can get with pre-eclampsia so I called MW to see if I could drop in to have my BP taken. Instead I was told to leave work so I am home for 12:30 (luckily I have a very good employer/manager) which I did. MW arrived at 1pm, BP is normal so all is well.

All this though has totally spooked hubby and worried me so I may make next week my last. We'll see.

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