Friday, April 6, 2012

Sleeping/weight loss

I think we must have the best baby in the world! Like I said previously his sleeping is brilliant for a breastfed baby. Admittedly on Tuesday and Wednesday he was up every 2 hours however last night he only woke twice. We put him down at 10:30 and he woke at 1.30 and 4.30 then hubby got up with him and Oliver at 7.30.

Why didn't I get up might you ask? Well today is the day my body has decided I am going to be poorly. Went to bed last night absolutely freezing and woke at 4.30 sweating like hell and I can hardly keep my eyes open and I have a nasty taste in my mouth, great!

This is the type of thing that makes me worry what the hell am I going to do when hubby goes back to work and Oliver is only at nursery in the afternoons. Ahhh. I'll cope because I'll have to. No complaints really though as I'm not back at work until January, whoop!

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that we got over the breastfeeding hurdle in my left breast however yesterday it started to feel bruised all underneath so I am guessing its a blocked milk duct, its eased off now though so hopefully that'll be the end of that.  MW said to me last week that she would like me to attend a group where there are pregnant women and talk about the benefits of BF. I am by no means a public speaker but I have tentatively agreed but more than anything I feel flattered that I may be seen as a role model.

Well the second I left the hospital I decided I have weight to lose, of course so we started well, not. We had either 3 or 4 takeaways in that first week. I would like to blame it on how busy and tired we were but thats just a lie, we were just plain lazy. I still lost 12lb though (I know, jammy sod right!).

This week is going a whole lot better. We had treat night on Monday as usual and we (well hubby) has been cooking nutritious low kcal meals every day. I'll track my progress for those of you that are interested on the right of this blog.

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