Monday, April 16, 2012

First day on my own

I'm apprehensive today, obviously I've done this before but Mike went back to work today after 3 weeks at home with baby Max and I. Oliver is at nursery full time still but goes to part time in May which is even scarier as it means 2 kids under 5 to look after all on my own. I know other mums do that and more however I have never done it before so it'll be new for me.

I'm sat here blogging at the moment but only doing this in the few mins I get between breastfeeding, nappy changing, entertaining Max and cleaning. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all, I love my little family and I'd rather be here than anywhere else in the world but its a scary time.

Took Max to work last week for everyone one to meet him. It was like a production line and there was literally a queue to hold him! Everyone loved him though and he didn't mind the attention so it went well. I then when to register him so he now officially exists!

On another completely unrelated note we've had some travellers pitch up at the end of the road on the green. Hubby and I had been left the house for 2 hours and when we got back there were about 10 caravans. Hubby thought I'd go mental but after watching that Big Fat Gypsy Weddings I've mellowed on them somewhat and most of them are nice, we just don't understand their way of life. Its likely they are only stopping off for the night or a couple of days as we are just off a main road on the way to a motorway and I can't imagine as they literally are next to a dual carriage way that they'll want to stay there long anyway so I'm cool with it. Whats funnier is that they are opposite the police station, the cheek, hehe. Where do they get their water from though and empty their toilets? Some questions are best left unasked!

Max is calling for a feed so catch you later and FYI, weigh in is today, not holding out much hope as cheated a couple of times, oops!

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