I did it!
I'd like to introduce Max Walter into the world.
Went into hospital on 25/03/12 to be induced and was lucky enough to be assigned the Midwife that was my community midwife with Oliver so nice to see have a familiar face around.
I was examined at 9am and it turned out I was already 3cms (no contractions though) so they decided the best thing was to break my waters. MW tried to do it 3 times, no luck so a senior midwife tried and again, no joy. I was told to give it an hour to see if I start contracting and come back. By this point as I was being played around with so much I was contracting every 7 mins also already but they were not for very long or painful.
Dr came to see me at 1pm and also tried to break my waters, she couldn't be sure if she'd done it and told me she'll be putting me on the hormone drip. MW asked if it could be delayed for 30 mins while I had my dinner which the Dr agreed to - once Dr left MW said that she wanted to give me more time as the extra stuff going on down there it may have pushed me along. Boy she wasn't wrong, within 10 mins of the Dr leaving I was contracting every 4-5 mins and was on the gas and air. I went for a walk and came back as was contracting every 3 mins.
I was taken to the pool room around 5pm but was in a lot of pain and MW said that if I got in the pool I may not be able to get out so would deliver in there. Not sure why looking back but I chose not to get in the pool and went back to my room. After about 30 mins I was in so much pain that I demanded an epidural but the anaesthetist was in theatre at a C-section. I was dead against diamorphine but I agreed to it as I was in so much pain but I was then told the anaesthetist was on his way.
He turned up at about 6:10 and by this time I was pretty out of it with pain to be honest, apparently I wasn't being very nice and they couldn't get the needles in etc... They got my back cleaned for the needle just as I screamed that I needed to poo! At that point the MW somehow got me back on the bed much to the annoyance of the anaesthetist and she said she could see the head. I honestly wanted to die at this point as I am no good with pain but was being told to push. After about 10 mins they pressed 'the red button' and another MW came in. They turned me onto my left side and within 5 more pushes little Max was born with no other pain relief than Gas and Air!
Baby Max Walter was born at 18:47 weighing 7lb 11oz and he was worth all the pain. He latched on straight away so breast feeding is going well or so I thought...
A few days after I posted this birth story on a baby website I frequent, my left nipple started to really hurt. I've tried the standard bf and the football hold but to no avail so giving that side a rest today however it just happens to be the booby that produces the most so I am more or less expressing every hour from it to stop it leaking. Which isn't working by the way and I have gone through 3 breast pads already today!
I am not giving up though, stuff the benefits of cost the benefit to our baby is immense so I wouldn't care if my nipples dropped off, I'd still bf.
On another note I think we may have the best baby ever. He is sleeping really well, he feeds around every 2 hours except between 12 & 4 where he gives me a interrupted 4 hour rest, how great is that? Hoping he'll sleep through in a few months but I can't really complain a I am getting between 6-8 hours per night still.
I may not be able to post as often while we get into a routine, hope you like the pic.